Improvement in Crop Yield

Concept Explanation

Improvement in Crop Yield

In India there is geographical diversity to a very large extent, It is very difficult to formulate a plan to increase crop yields that would help everyone equally. Different parts of India have different kinds of soil, different rainfall, different groundwater reserves and of course, different access to fertilisers and industrialisation. Increasing crop yield is a very important point to secure in an agriculture-based country such as India.

This was achieved by various practices involved in farming and they are divided into three stages they are:

  • Crop variety improvement - Choosing right seeds for planting

  • Crop production improvement - Cultivating of the crop plants

  • Crop protection management – Protecting the crop from loss

  • The aim of improving high yielding crop varieties

  • To get higher yield by increasing the productivity of the crop per acre.

  • To obtain an Enriched quality of crop products (quality factor may vary from crop to crop). For example: Baking quality is considered in wheat; protein quality in pulses, oil; preserving quality in fruits and vegetables.

  • To grow Biotic and abiotic resistant Crops, where they can be protected from diseases, insects and nematodes, drought, salinity, waterlogging, heat, cold and frost

  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Which of the following ways are required to yield from crops can be improved by adopting some scientific approaches ?

    Right Option : D
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    To solve the food problem of the country, which among the following is necessary ?

    Right Option : D
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    How can we improve crop yield ?

    Right Option : D
    View Explanation
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